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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

How, you can add a shortcut key, your Internet connection?

Two Path for this purpose 

 This basic and ordinary dial-up Internet connection to use the path:


Click on the "Start" button> sittings then click Network and Dial-up Connections
"option”, from where you we made Internet connection.

Call your Internet connection another way, if you have an Internet connection in your on your desktop shortcut. Just from the desktop shortcut to start your system, your internet connection and dial.


New Cool sharp dial-up Internet connection using the mouse, just add a shortcut that allows you to do this. 

Just right-click your Internet connection and go to Properties option. Click the "shortcut key" box, and then press the key combination you want to use here like (CTRL-ALT-I). When you have a combination of keys you like, click "OK." The next time you need to use the mouse to run the Internet connection, simply use the shortcut keys from the keyboard, you can press your shortcut key combination (CTRL-ALT-I), in order to start your Internet connection.

Internet connection shortcut


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