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Monday, 16 September 2013

How to set particular folder views in Windows XP and Windows Vista, for all the folder view?

Computer Tips

Today computer tips will help you in all Windows XP and Vista folder management specified view. By default, you have the contents of the selected folder, select a thumbnail, title, icon, list, or display details. However, this change will apply to the folder you are currently working. On the other hand, just a few more clicks, you can change your computer on all the folders view.

The steps to accomplish this task, through the "Folder Options" dialog box are as follows

First of all open any folder, click on "View", select you would most like to use.

Now, from the "Tools" menu, click "Folder Options ", open the" Folder Options "dialog box.

Here, in the "Folder Options" dialog box, select the "View" tab.

In the top of the dialog box, click the "Apply to All Folders" button.
folder view setting

Now, a new confirmation message will appear "setting changes the next time you turn on your computer all folders to match the current folder's view settings (toolbars, and task folders except)."

folder view setting

In the Folder Options "window, click" OK "to save your changes.

Now, your computer should display the contents of all the folders in your choice of view. Before, you can still change a single folder view through the "View" button.

Enjoy the most useful tips for more tips and tricks click here.


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